If left untreated, the first signs of vein problems can lead to serious secondary diseases. For example, thick, tortuous veins can be seen on the legs and feet:Varicose veins are extensive veins on the surface.Doctors refer to varicose veins as varicosis. An open leg – also known as venous leg ulcer (chronic) – or deep vein thrombosis (acute) are serious symptoms of chronic venous disease.
What are venous diseases?
Experts differentiate between acute and chronic venous diseases.
Spider veins (telangiectasias) are visible skin veins.
Teleangiectasias, also known as spider veins, are small and visible patches in the upper layer of the skin.Spider veins are elongated, tiny, superficial “leg veins”:“/en/leg-veins.html that are located directly in or below the top layer of skin.A brushwood broom can cover entire areas of the upper and lower leg, although the individual spider veins are usually only a few centimeters long. This is how the term “spider veins” came about. Couperose”:/en/couperose-treatment-berlin.html, which usually occurs on the face and in the nose area, is different and is referred to as telangiectasia or couperose.
The small vessels on the legs are often mistaken for varicose veins and referred to as spider veins.
Small spider veins are bright red. When they become larger, they appear pale. Spider veins are generally a cosmetic-aesthetic blemish. Nevertheless, they can be the first symptom of a persistent vein disease that can later cause varicose veins. Ask your doctor.
Varicose veins
Varicose veins (varicose vein disease: medically “varicosis” or “varicosis”) are the terms for varicose veins. The veins, which expand irregularly in a tubular shape and close up, can be seen superficially just under the skin on the legs.
h2.Weakness of the veins
Venous weakness (medical term: venous insufficiency) refers to the fact that the venous system of the legs is no longer able to transport oxygen-poor blood to the heart in a targeted manner. Varicose vein disease (varicosis) can result from venous insufficiency. If the venous insufficiency continues, fluids can accumulate in the tissue (phleboedema) and skin changes such as pigmentation can occur. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is only then diagnosed.
Open leg (leg ulcer)
Open leg ulcers are wounds on the lower leg that heal poorly or do not heal at all and are often weeping. The Latin ulcus (= ulcer) and cruris (= lower leg) give rise to the technical term ulcus cruris. There are various causes of open leg ulcers. In 2012, 210,000 people in Germany suffered from a severe leg ulcer, also known as a florid ulcer.
Thrombosis of the leg veins
Thrombosis often occurs in the leg. Superficial vein thrombosis (thrombophlebitis) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are differentiated by medicine. The symptoms can occur in the thigh or lower leg, in the knee joint or in the calf.
Please note: leg vein thromboses often occur without symptoms. The body cannot always break down the clot without hesitation. This can lead to a dangerous pulmonary embolism.