In the vernacular they are called marionette wrinkles or “Merkel wrinkles”. The medical term is mentolabial folds. The more pronounced these wrinkles are, the more bad-tempered a facial expression appears. If you want to create a friendlier and younger impression, you can have the marionette wrinkles injected. A combination of hyaluronic acid and “Botox” is particularly effective here:/en/botox-berlin.html.
A proven remedy for mentolabial folds or wrinkles at the corners of the mouth is injections with hyaluronic acid. This is a substance that is also produced by the human body and is therefore 100 percent natural. Especially if the Merkel wrinkle is not yet particularly pronounced, injecting hyaluronic acid into marionette lines is worthwhile. Although the face still sags slightly, the injection stabilises the entire mouth region and thus has a “plumping” effect. Those who opt for a professional treatment in one of the BellaDerma specialist centres in Berlin will notice the effect immediately. We also ensure that the treatment is well dosed and that the filling substance does not show on the surface of the skin.
In principle, Botox should be avoided when injecting the wrinkles at the corners of the mouth. After all, this substance is not able to compensate for volume loss. In practice, however, it has been shown that a targeted weakening of the musculus depressor anguli oris, i.e. the muscle that pulls down the corners of the mouth, increases the effectiveness of the treatment. Another effect of Botox treatment is a restriction of the hyaluronic acid to the treated region and no advancement into the upstream, so-called “flews”.
If you would like to know more about topics such as removing nasolabial folds or removing eye wrinkles or generally wrinkle injections in Berlin, please contact us. Even in the latter cases, quick, visible results can be achieved with hyaluron. Find out now also about the different methods for wrinkle treatment with Botox!
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