Around 10-15% of women suffer from a lady’s beard, which is sometimes more, sometimes less severe on the upper lip, cheeks or even on the chin. Smooth and supple skin is attractive. However, as a woman grows older, it is quite natural that the hormone balance changes and that small hairs also sprout on a woman’s face. The darker the hair colour, the more noticeable the lady’s beard. laser hair removal in Berlin is carried out at the BellaDerma locations in Berlin-Mitte and Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf.
A lady’s beard is actually quite a normal thing. However, not every woman can deal calmly with this new “jewellery”. Our sense of beauty tells us that hair has no place on the face of an attractive woman. Some women can simply ignore their facial hair or accept it as a given evil. Other women, however, suffer greatly from this beauty “flaw”, and in some cases an unloved lady’s beard can even become a psychological burden.
In most cases, a woman’s beard is a natural sign of age. As a woman gets older, her hormone balance changes. The production of oestrogen decreases and that of testosterone increases. As a result, hair growth also increases. Other causes of a woman’s beard can also be genetic predisposition. In this case, even young women have a lady’s beard. In rarer cases, medication or sudden hormonal disturbances are the reason for the development of a lady’s beard. Excess weight in women can be partly responsible for beard growth and increased hair on the rest of the body. The fat cells would increase the production of male sex hormones and thus play their part in the development of facial hair.
There are many ways to remove a woman’s facial hair. However, facial skin is particularly sensitive and so the classic methods of hair removal are not particularly good. Epilating and plucking, shaving and treatment with cold or warm wax such as waxing are methods that strongly irritate the facial skin. Undesirable side effects such as redness, pustules and inflammation occur quite quickly. Alternatively, you can simply bleach the lady’s beard with special creams. However, the hairs will still be there, visible and tangible, and even a bleaching cream can cause strong skin reactions in sensitive people, which will ruin the success.
Much better suited are modern cosmetic procedures for effective and permanent hair removal such as laser technology. Here, a targeted and precisely tuned flash of light is used to detach the fine hairs from the hair root and obliterate the follicles. In this way, the lady’s beard is removed permanently and gently. In contrast to the highly focused laser light, a broader light spectrum is used in IPL treatment. This prevents the side effects that often occur with laser treatments, such as skin reactions, redness or even burns. IPL technology is gentler and more precise. After just a few sessions, your facial hair is permanently removed and you have permanently smooth and supple skin.
To remove facial hair, BellaDerma has been using two high-tech procedures in both branches, in Berlin-Mitte and Berlin-Charlottenburg, for many years. Depending on the assessment, the treatment is carried out either with the diode laser or with IPL 2.
Book an appointment for a consultation
The medical staff of trained specialists, beauticians and alternative practitioners are happy to advise you on the possible treatments. The consultation is non-binding and free of charge. Call us on +49/30/88 92 92 20.
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