Permanent hair removal for transsexuals Berlin

The removal of the usually strong and prominent facial hair in transgender women is an enormously important step in order to resemble the image of a woman on the outside as well. The social restrictions due to the male beard growth and the mostly remaining beard shadow after shaving are sometimes immense.

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Steps to a happier life

The feeling of shame, psychological burdens and the mirror image that does not correspond to one’s own ideas and identity prevent transsexual women from simply being themselves. The medical aspect of laser hair removal for trans women is therefore absolutely sensible and necessary.

Carrying out permanent hair removal for transwomen

Laser epilation must be performed by an expert who has a lot of experience and is especially familiar with the laser and how it works. This way the treatment is as gentle on the skin as possible, effective and long-lasting.

Permanent hair removal by laser epilation may be performed by dermatologists and also by cosmetic studios or specialist centres. The latter are often the better choice, as the technical equipment is usually more modern and the staff often have more experience. After all, permanent hair removal is their core business. Many doctors even recommend to the health insurance companies that epilation be carried out at a cosmetic studio or specialist centre, as they can take much more time for the patient and have more practical experience.

IPL technology

BellaDerma is one of only a few specialist cosmetic centres in Germany that uses Epilux IPL-2 technology. The decisive advantage of this unique technology is that it is particularly gentle on the skin. In contrast, classic laser devices work with up to three times the laser energy, which usually damages the skin and causes pain. In addition, IPL technology can be used for all body regions and is ideally suited for most hair and skin types. By the way, leading dermatologists and aesthetic experts also trust in the Epilux IPL systems. In our BellaDerma specialist centres, we use both technologies to remove facial hair, i.e. both the IPL technology from Epilux and the LightScheer diode laser.

When should treatment for trans women start?

It is important to wait for exactly the right time. In general, experts advise starting permanent hair removal for trans women 8-12 weeks after starting gender reassignment hormone therapy. Taking oestrogens makes the skin of the face finer, although starting too late could make laser epilation more difficult. A complete or at least significant reduction in beard growth due to hormone therapy is unlikely and should not be expected. Therefore, it is a good guideline to start permanent hair removal treatment about 2-3 months after starting hormone therapy.

What is needed to apply for reimbursement?

Although there is no question about the medical necessity of permanent hair removal for transgender women, applying to many health insurance companies is a problem. It usually makes more sense to ask the health insurance company to forward the processing to the medical service of the health insurance companies (MDK).

The following is necessary for an application:

Regulations of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians

Laser epilation by doctors, dermatologists or cosmetic studios is a health insurance benefit which is initially limited to 2 years. During this period, 8 sessions of 20 minutes each can be claimed for the face and neck, as well as a further 8 sessions of 20 minutes each for the hands. An expert opinion is required, from which the diagnosis or medical indication for the implementation of gender reassignment measures can be seen. You must therefore have been “diagnosed” with transsexualism (ICD-10-GM: F64.0).

Book an appointment for a consultation

The medical staff of trained specialists, beauticians and alternative practitioners are happy to advise you on the possible treatments. The consultation is non-binding and free of charge. Call us on +49/30/88 92 92 20.

BellaDerma Berlin Ku'damm
vis a vis Kranzler Eck
Joachimsthaler Str. 10 / Kurfürstendamm
10719 Berlin Wilmersdorf-Charlottenburg

Mon–Fri: 9am–8pm
030/88 92 92 20

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