The Nefertiti lift in Berlin

The Nefertiti lift is a cosmetic procedure in which Botox injections are given to the lower face, jaw and neck regions. Since the ancient Egyptians, a well-defined jawline has been a thing of beauty. The name comes from Queen Nefertiti, who had a tight, smooth neck and a lifted jawline.

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Mon–Fri: 9am–8pm
030/88 92 92 20

What does the Nefertiti Lift do?

To improve definition, rebalance the underlying muscles and lift the jawline and neck area, injections are administered along the lower jawline and down the side of the neck along the platysma muscle. In this way, gravity can be combated by relaxing the muscles that pull downwards (the so-called “depressors”) so that the muscles in the upper facial area (“elevators”) can pull the tissue upwards.

Effect of Botox® in the Nefertiti lift

Botox is a naturally occurring protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which specifically inhibits muscles. Nefertiti lifting using Botox specifically relaxes the muscles that are responsible for tired or aged facial features. In this way, we indirectly support the muscles that give your jawline a firm and youthful appearance.

Your appointment for a Nefertiti lift in Berlin

Visit us and let us advise you in private about the effects a Nefertiti lift can have on you. Our experienced doctors will be happy to assist you and perform the minimally invasive lift in one of our modern treatment rooms.


Book an appointment for a consultation

The medical staff of trained specialists, beauticians and alternative practitioners are happy to advise you on the possible treatments. The consultation is non-binding and free of charge. Call us on +49/30/88 92 92 20.

BellaDerma Berlin Ku'damm
vis a vis Kranzler Eck
Joachimsthaler Str. 10 / Kurfürstendamm
10719 Berlin Wilmersdorf-Charlottenburg

Mon–Fri: 9am–8pm
030/88 92 92 20

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